Hypnobirthing Australia enabled me to have the most amazing birthing experience, and I am forever grateful!

natural birth online course

Dear Melissa,

Thank you for inviting me to share my birth story. After doing a bit of research I signed up to the online Hypnobirthing Australia course when I was about 26 weeks pregnant.  
I discussed the course with my partner and he was a bit sceptical at first. We watched all the online videos together and wrote down notes and questions we had for each other and for the doctors. 
We had a few bumps along the way after a few doctors were trying to push me into being induced due to the size of my baby. I definitely felt the fear factor set in and began questioning everything I had been trying to learn. Thankfully the Hypnobubs Facebook group were the most supportive bunch when I explained what was going on and so I stuck to my guns and refused the induction unless it was absolutely required. 
I went into labour spontaneously at 39 weeks. As soon as my surges began I rewatched lesson 6 - Happy Birthing day, just to try and focus on what to expect throughout the process. When my surges began intensifying, the shower was my best friend. 
When I arrived at the hospital with my birth preferences in hand, I was examined and told I was 5-6cm dilated however baby was posterior so I was really feeling it in my back. After being assessed I went to the birthing suite where I was met by such an amazing and supportive midwife who had taken the time to read my preferences. I had dim lighting in the room, my tracks and affirmations playing over my Bluetooth speaker, clary sage and lavender in the diffuser filling the room and some battery operated candles around the room. It was perfect. 
I spent a lot of time in the shower under the hot water which was absolute bliss. I was actually sitting on the shower seat when my membranes ruptured which was a very bizarre feeling! 
I did have to be monitored a little closely due to some minor complications which was fine by me, and the midwives explained and asked permission for everything they were wanting to do before proceeding. 
During transition I asked for the epidural once! The midwife calmly said to me I have every right to request an epidural but to keep in mind that I was in transition and to remember my preferences and how I wanted my birthing experience to be. As soon as the surge passed, I was back in the zone and ready to continue. 
When I felt that undeniable pressure to bear down, I got on my knees and leaned over the side of the bed. After about 45 minutes my baby was almost out! The midwife asked if I wanted to reach down and collect my baby which was the most unforgettable and amazing experience. One I’ll truly never forget. I was able to pull my baby out straight onto my chest before looking down and realising I just delivered the most beautiful baby boy! (We didn’t find out the sex during pregnancy!). My husband was an absolute rock throughout the whole experience and was so amazing during every stage. 
On Monday 8th of June 2020, at 12.38am we welcomed Charlie James John Leicht into this world, weighing a nice 4.39kg! (Bigger than the doctors estimated!)
Hypnobirthing Australia enabled me to have the most amazing birthing experience, and I am forever grateful! Thank you so much Melissa for such a wonderful course and supporting and empowering women during the most challenging but rewarding time in our lives! 