Hypnobirthing Prepared Me for a Positive C-Section

I'm a Hypnobubs online graduate.
We welcomed our son into the world 6 weeks ago at 39+6weeks via an elective csection as our baby measured big and I had extreme hyperpremises. The morning sickness that lasted all day till the minute his shoulders were born!
It had taken us 10 years of IVF and a long winding road of surgeries and shear despair to get to this. I was anxious in my pregnancy the whole way and Hypnobubs online course gave me the confidence that everything would work out fine and the birth that happened for us which ever way would be the right choice for me and baby.
I loved the course and it helped me choose the correct birth that our baby had decided for himself. The Hypnobubs course empowered me to ask for the birth I wanted when it was clear our baby wasn't spontaneously wanting to come out.
I was able to ask the team that I was the one to declare to the room who we had made when they lifted the baby out as we were having a surprise. We had asked for delayed cord clamping by 2 minutes and baby was not to be suctioned or wiped down or swaddled straight after birth. My mum cut the cord (daddy couldn't go into theatre too nervous). Our son was born & our family complete.
Our sons shoulders got a little stuck at delivery even by csection so I'm glad we chose an elective csection as vaginally he would likely have gotten in to distress or would have ended in an emergency csection where we would both have been exhausted.
We had positive affirmation cards in the theatre and I was talking to the team who all agreed to my wishes of calm voices and nice positive words and chatter. They lowered the screen as soon as they could so I could see our baby being delivered. At less than 5 minutes old our son was placed on my chest for skin to skin where we got to know one another and within 10 minutes he had crawled his way to the breast. Breast feeding started and he stayed there the whole time the team fished with my surgery. The only time I didn't have skin to skin was during the 5 minutes I was transferred from the theatre to recovery.
The csection recovery mp3 was great too.
Ephraim weighed 4.58kg 55cm length HC 37.5cm.
Thank you Melissa Spilsted!